Na této stránce najdete některé důležité odkazy a informace z klíčových zahraničních kongresů a konferencí, které již skončily. Pod logy kongresů najdete odkazy na elektronické sborníky abstrakt, postery a také seznamy příspěvků z ČR.

ESOT TLJ 3.0: 13-15 November 2022 – Prague >>
ESOT TLJ 3.0: Communication Resources >>
It is activated a special code that members of the Czech transplant society can use to obtain a 20% discount on the registration fee of TLJ that is happening November in Prague.

ESOT Congress 2021 – 29 August-1 September, 2021

2nd Workshop for Young Professionals in Transplantation on Living Organ Donation 

On June 18th 2020, there will be a unique opportunity for young transplanters to participate at the 2nd Workshop on Living Donation preceding the 10th International Living Donor Abdominal Organ Transplant Conference to be held on 18-20 June 2020 in Gubbio, Italy, that is organised by Enrico Benedetti and Giuliano Testa. The Conference flyer is attached.The concept of the YPT Workshop is to focus on the younger generation and let it discuss a variety of aspects/exchange of ideas as regards living organ donation in the presence of senior faculty from Europe and the USA. The Workshop is aimed at young transplant surgeons, transplant nurses, physicians, and allied health care professionals. We have space for 30 participants aged <40 years. Attached is a preliminary version of the Workshop programme.

The first edition of this YPT Workshop was held in 2018 in Matera, Italy and turned out to be a great success! A dynamic group of next generation leaders in living donation attended, learning in an interactive and stimulating environment.

We would like to ask you as Presidents of National Transplant Societies to spread the word and liaise with young transplant professionals in your network.

Thirty participants will be selected based on their motivation letter and brief CV and supported by a Travel Grant of €500 to be reimbursed only after the candidate has presented him/herself on-site. We have arranged nice and affordable accommodation in Hotel San Marco in the centre of Gubbio at a special rate of € 50, 60 and 80 per night per room.

Participants will have free access to the YPT Workshop, an afternoon workshop on small bowel transplantation, and to the entire 10th International Living Donor Abdominal Organ Transplant Conference. All registration fees have been waived and participants are invited to the traditional dinner but have to pay that themselves.

We are looking forward to receiving many applications! Kindly apply with a short motivation letter (max 1 A4) and short CV (max 2 A4) highlighting your interest and activities in the field of donation and transplantation by sending an email to: with subject “LD Workshop application” . We will handle registrations on a first come, first serve basis.Deadline for applications is 15th March 2020.

Looking forward to see many participants in Gubbio!


The YPT Workshop Organising Committee
Enrico Benedetti, Lisa Burnapp, Frank Dor, Lucrezia Furian, Bernadette Haase, Fabrizio Panaro, Robert Langer, Rutger Ploeg,  Sushma Shankar and Giuliano Testa

Lessons learnt from Italy – June 15, 2020
LIDO Course 2019, June 26-28, 2019, Rotterdam
56th ERA-EDTA Congress, June 13-16, 2019, Budapest
American Transplant Congress, June 01–05, 2019, Boston
ESOT 2019
ILTS 2019 Annual Congress, May 15-18, 2019, Toronto
ASN Kidney Week, November 5-10, 2019, Washington, DC
European Proposals for Ishlt Conference 2017 European Proposals for Ishlt Conference 2017
13th World Nephrology Conference 13th World Nephrology Conference
American Transplant Congress American Transplant Congress
ISHLT Annual Meeting ISHLT Annual Meeting The International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation
ILTS Annual Congress ILTS Annual Congress Annual Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society
Congress of the European Transplant Coordinators Organization Congress of the European Transplant Coordinators Organization Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation


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