The deadline is 28 February 2019.
Why submit an abstract
Submitting an abstract for the ESOT2019 Congress in Copenhagen enables you to present and discuss your research with peers from all over the world at the most important European congress for organ transplantation.
Furthermore, by submitting an abstract you may be recognised and receive additional monetary support through one of the ESOT2019 Congress Awards. Recognition and funding are available to abstract presenters and the organisations they represent. All awards open to ESOT members in good standing for 2019.
Text or video abstract?
Choose if you will submit a standard text abstract or a brand new video abstract. Accepted video abstracts are screened and discussed via Q&A at the congress. We use the original video recording, so no additional materials are required.
How to submit an abstract
To submit your abstract you must first create an account (or login if you have one already) in the MY CONGRESS part of the website. Just follow these simple steps:
- Go to https://www.esotcongress.org
- Select “Submit Your Abstract”
- Log in or create an account
- Select “Abstracts” then select “ New Submission “
The next steps detailed below deal with the content of your abstract.
Ready to go?
If you’re ready to submit your abstract, click on the button below to get started.
ESOT2019 Congress Awards
The four awards offer four different ways that research is recognised at the ESOT2019 Congress in Copenhagen. The scope, qualifying criteria and monetary support differs for each.
- Leonardo Da Vinci Transplant Research Innovation Award (1 of €10,000 + 2x of €2,500 )
Awarded to the most outstanding abstract and selected at the congress by a jury of top journal editors, in addition to an audience vote, at the ‘Transplant Research Challenge’ session. (New for 2019) - StrongerTogether pro Award (€5,000)
Awarded to the single transplant centre with the best score among all accepted abstracts. The award is assigned by the Scientific Program Committee and honoured at a congress session. - StrongerTogether Award (€2,500)
Awarded to the single transplant centre with the most accepted abstracts. The award is assigned by the Scientific Program Committee and honoured at a congress session. - Young Investigator Award (€1,500/each)
Awarded to the 10 best scoring abstracts submitted by young (under 35) clinicians or scientists.
For even more information on the ESOT2019 Congress Awards click here .