ISHLT Symposium Submission Lay-out

ISHLT Symposium Submission Lay-out

To the Representatives of the Cardio-Thoracic Transplant Committees of

Eurotransplant, Scandiatransplant, UK Transplant, l’Agence de la Biomédecine, Organización Nacional de Transplantes, Autoridade para os Servicos de Sangue e de Transplantacao, Hellenic National Transplant Organization, Centro Nazionale Trapianti, Poltransplant, Czech Transplant Society, Estonia Tartu University Hospital, Lithuanian Bureau on Organ Transplantation, Romania National Transplant Agency, Slovaq Centre on Organ Transplantation; and Swisstransplant,


Dear Colleagues,

The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) is a not-for-profit, multidisciplinary, professional organization dedicated to improving the care of patients with advanced heart or lung disease through transplantation, mechanical support and innovative therapies via research, education and advocacy ( ).

Following last week’s ISHLT meeting, I would like to encourage You and Your colleagues to submit proposals for the ISHLT 37th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions to be held in San Diego, California, April 5-8, 2017. This is an opportunity to submit proposals for pre-meeting and sunrise symposia about specific topics which haven’t been discussed at this year’s meeting and which you would like to see being discussed next year.

Submission due date is June 2nd. The submission site can be found at… .

Please remember that diversity (geographic, gender, etc.) is important in these proposals. In attachment You can find a general example for the lay-out of proposals.

Later this year, also individual Abstracts can be submitted through this submission site (submission due date November 2016).


Best Regards,

Past JFTC Pulm Tx council liason
Present Pulm Tx council liason of the ISHLT 2017 Symposium Planning and Abstract Selection Committee

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