ARCHIV AKCÍ ČTS (2005 – 2014)

15th Annual Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society New York, USA Detail
American Transplant Congress 2010 San Diego, CA, USA Detail
13th European Congress on Extracorporeal Circulation Technology Aarhus, Dánsko Detail
ILTS at the ASA: Perioperative Care in Liver Transplantation New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Detail
25 let transplantací jater v Brně Regionální sympozium Brno, Česká Republika Detail
600 transplantací ledvin v TC Ostrava Regionální sympozium Ostrava, Česká Republika Detail
Infekce po transplantaci ledviny a jejich dopad na dlouhodobé výsledky Plzeň, Česká Republika Detail
Alkoholická jaterní nemoc a transplantace jater Praha, Česká Republika Detail
25 let transplantací pankreatu Praha 4, Česká Republika Detail
Transplantace ledvin od ľijících dárců Praha, Česká Republika Detail
Navození transplantační tolerance: od experimentu k praxi postgraduální kurs Praha, Česká Republika Detail
16. národní kongres ČSARIM Česká Budějovice, Česká Republika Detail
Valná hromada České transplantační společnosti Praha, Česká Republika Detail
Young Investigator Forum Praha, Česká Republika Detail
XXXVI Annual meeting European Society for Artificial Organs Compičgne, Francie Detail
LICAGE 2009: Third International Course on Anaesthesia and Critical Care for Liver Transplantation Vienna, Rakousko Detail
2nd ELPAT CONGRESS - Organ Transplantation:Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects - Expanding the European Platform Rotterdam, Netherlands Detail
9th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy Geneva, Switzerland Detail
Meeting of the European Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ESHLT) Wengen, Switzerland Detail
25 Years of Adult Liver Transplantation at Cliniques Saint-Luc Brussels, Belgium Detail
Joint Meeting IPITA-IXA 2009 Venice Lido, Italy Detail
Joint 6th ELITA-ELTR Annual Meeting 5th International Meeting on Transplantation from Non-Heart Beating Donors London, GB Detail
45th Annual Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research Geneva, Switzerland Detail
ASN 14th Annual Board Review Course & Update San Francisco, USA Detail
1st Annual Scientific Exchange Orlando, USA Detail
XVI Congreso Argentino de Nefrologia / IX Congreso Argentina para Emfermeros en Nefrologia Buenos Aires, Argentina Detail
Transplant Immunosuppression: Today's Issues Minneapolis, USA Detail
XXIII International Congress of The Transplantation Society Vancouver, Canada Detail
12th Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation Tunisia, Tunis Detail
10th ISODP Congress in cooperation with 16th ETCO Meeting Berlin, Germany Detail
Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Extraperitoneal Live Donor Nephrectomy London, GB Detail
BSHI National Higher Training Meeting Manchester, GB Detail
AST Fellows Symposium on Transplantation Medicine Grapevine, Texas, USA Detail
41st Course on Advances in Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Milan, Italy Detail
Nádory jater resekce nebo transplantace? Praha, Česká Republika Detail
Monitoring nemocných po Tx ledviny Praha, Česká Republika Detail
Místní lalokové plastiky, transplantace kůľe a jiné techniky Praha, Česká Republika Detail
Vybrané kapitoly z transplantologie Praha, Česká Republika Detail
IPTA 5th Congress On Pediatric Transplantation Istanbul, Turkey Detail
NATCO 34th Annual Meeting Las Vegas, USA Detail
14th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) Paris, France Detail
5th Annual Liver Transplantation Conference Hershey, USA Detail
International Liver Cancer Association Third Annual Conference Milan, Italy Detail
20th Annual Conference of the British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Leeds, GB Detail
Anthony Nolan Trust, BSBMT and NHSBT Joint Symposium on Cord Blood Transplantation &#8211 Future Challenges Telford Lecture Theatre, London Detail
21st Annual Advances in Transplantation San Antonio, USA Detail
ILTS 16th Annual International Congress Hong Kong, China Detail
ISHLT 29th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions Paris, France Detail
Winter AST Symposium "Antibodies and Transplantation: Moving Up from the B-list" Banff, Alberta, Canada Detail

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