Maui, USA
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15th Annual Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society
New York, USA
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American Transplant Congress 2010
San Diego, CA, USA
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13th European Congress on Extracorporeal Circulation Technology
Aarhus, Dánsko
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ILTS at the ASA: Perioperative Care in Liver Transplantation
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
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25 let transplantací jater v Brně
Regionální sympozium
Brno, Česká Republika
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600 transplantací ledvin v TC Ostrava
Regionální sympozium
Ostrava, Česká Republika
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Infekce po transplantaci ledviny a jejich dopad na dlouhodobé výsledky
Plzeň, Česká Republika
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Alkoholická jaterní nemoc a transplantace jater
Praha, Česká Republika
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25 let transplantací pankreatu
Praha 4, Česká Republika
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Transplantace ledvin od ľijících dárců
Praha, Česká Republika
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Navození transplantační tolerance: od experimentu k praxi
postgraduální kurs
Praha, Česká Republika
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16. národní kongres ČSARIM
Česká Budějovice, Česká Republika
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Valná hromada České transplantační společnosti
Praha, Česká Republika
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Young Investigator Forum
Praha, Česká Republika
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XXXVI Annual meeting European Society for Artificial Organs
Compičgne, Francie
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LICAGE 2009: Third International Course on Anaesthesia and Critical Care for Liver Transplantation
Vienna, Rakousko
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2nd ELPAT CONGRESS - Organ Transplantation:Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects - Expanding the European Platform
Rotterdam, Netherlands
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9th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy
Geneva, Switzerland
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Meeting of the European Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ESHLT)
Wengen, Switzerland
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25 Years of Adult Liver Transplantation at Cliniques Saint-Luc
Brussels, Belgium
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Joint Meeting IPITA-IXA 2009
Venice Lido, Italy
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Joint 6th ELITA-ELTR Annual Meeting 5th International Meeting on Transplantation from Non-Heart Beating Donors
London, GB
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45th Annual Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research
Geneva, Switzerland
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ASN 14th Annual Board Review Course & Update
San Francisco, USA
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1st Annual Scientific Exchange
Orlando, USA
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XVI Congreso Argentino de Nefrologia / IX Congreso Argentina para Emfermeros en Nefrologia
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Transplant Immunosuppression: Today's Issues
Minneapolis, USA
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XXIII International Congress of The Transplantation Society
Vancouver, Canada
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12th Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation
Tunisia, Tunis
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10th ISODP Congress in cooperation with 16th ETCO Meeting
Berlin, Germany
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Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Extraperitoneal Live Donor Nephrectomy
London, GB
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BSHI National Higher Training Meeting
Manchester, GB
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AST Fellows Symposium on Transplantation Medicine
Grapevine, Texas, USA
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41st Course on Advances in Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation
Milan, Italy
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Nádory jater resekce nebo transplantace?
Praha, Česká Republika
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Monitoring nemocných po Tx ledviny
Praha, Česká Republika
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Místní lalokové plastiky, transplantace kůľe a jiné techniky
Praha, Česká Republika
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Vybrané kapitoly z transplantologie
Praha, Česká Republika
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IPTA 5th Congress On Pediatric Transplantation
Istanbul, Turkey
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NATCO 34th Annual Meeting
Las Vegas, USA
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14th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT)
Paris, France
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5th Annual Liver Transplantation Conference
Hershey, USA
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International Liver Cancer Association Third Annual Conference
Milan, Italy
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20th Annual Conference of the British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
Leeds, GB
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Anthony Nolan Trust, BSBMT and NHSBT Joint Symposium on Cord Blood Transplantation –
Future Challenges
Telford Lecture Theatre, London
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21st Annual Advances in Transplantation
San Antonio, USA
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ILTS 16th Annual International Congress
Hong Kong, China
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ISHLT 29th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions
Paris, France
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Winter AST Symposium "Antibodies and Transplantation: Moving Up from the B-list"
Banff, Alberta, Canada
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