AST Fellows Symposium on Transplantation Medicine
Ft. Worth, Texas, USA
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14th Congress of the German Transplantation Society
Rostock, Německo
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12th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation
Geneva, ©výcarsko
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7th European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation
Geneva, ©výcarsko
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1st World Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation
Geneva, ©výcarsko
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American Society of Nephrology's Renal Week 2005
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
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American Society of Nephrology's Renal Week 2006
San Diego, California, USA
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American Society of Nephrology's Renal Week 2007
San Francisco, USA
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7th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy
Berlin, Německo
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AST Symposium at ADA's 65th Annual Scientific Sessions. Clinical Advances in Transplantation for the Diabetologist: 21 ST Century State of the Art
San Diego, California, USA
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24th Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Dialysis and Transplantation
Maui, Hawaii
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IX International Small Bowel Transplantation Symposium
Brussels, Belgie
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Transition to Adult Care for Adolescent Transplant Recipients. A jointly sponsored consensus conference
Hare, Rosemont, Illinois
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World Transplant Congress
Boston, USA
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11th Annual Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society
Los Angeles, USA
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14th Congress of the European Transplant Coordinators
Geneva, ©výcarsko
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IPTA 3rd World Congress on Pediatric Transplantation
Innsbruck, Rakousko
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American Transplant Congress
San Francisco, USA
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American Transplant Congress
Toronto, Kanada
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American Transplant Congress 2009
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
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ISHLT 7th Fall Education
Dallas, USA
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ISHLT 26th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions
Madrid, ©panělsko
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ISHLT 27th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions
San Francisco, USA
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16th World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons - WSCTS 2006
Ottawa, Canada
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American Pediatric Surgical Association 37th Annual Meeting
Hilton Head, USA
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2nd Meeting of Sotheastern European Paediatric Nephrology Working Group (2nd SEPNWG)
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
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XXXVII Pediatric Nephrology Seminar
Miami Beach, USA
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Pediatric Nephrology Seminar XXXIII
Miami Beach, USA
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Access Surgery & Dialysis
Mashhad, Iran
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International Conference on Surgical Infections, ICSI2006
Stockholm, Sweden
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Advances in Transplantation
New Orleans, USA
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ATS International Conference 2007
New York, U.S.A.
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ISHLT 28th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions
Boston, U.S.A.
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ILTS 13th Annual International Congress
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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ILTS/ASA Perioperative Care in Liver Transplantation
Chicago, U.S.A.
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3rd International Meeting on Transplantation from Non-Heart Beating Donors
London, UK
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Transplantation Medicine 2006
Varąava, polsko
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ATS International Conference 2006
San Diego, U.S.A.
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NewEra Cardiac Care 9: Innovation and Technology
Newport Beach, USA
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The 2nd Transplant Academy: Post-transplant Immunosuppression 2005
Praha1, V Celnici 8, Česká Republika
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10th Annual Winter AST Symposium "Frontiers of Immune Suppression"
Cancun, Mexico
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American Transplant Congress 2007
San Francisco, CA, USA
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XLII ERA- EDTA Congress - European Dialysis and Transplantation Association
Istanbul, Turecko
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AST Clinical Trial Symposium. Optimizing Clinical Research in Transplantation
Rosemont, IL, USA
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WCN - 3rd World Congress of Nephrology
Singapore, Singapore
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The Official ASN 10th Annual Board Review Course & Update
San Francisco, CA, USA
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Klinický workshop ČTS
Praha 2, Česká Republika
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Zařazování pacientů do čekací listiny k transplantaci ledviny
Symposium ČTS
Praha 1, Česká Republika
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